Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)

"A 9 NAZI PLANES dkmociiat and ohi.oxicu:. suxda v. atimi, im. i'iio S7 to Resist 'Protective Aid RUSSIAN BASES DOWN IN WEST, PARIS CLAIMS TURN EYES ON ALASKAN AREA Army to Press i 3i Mfc ivv; German Infantry fc 1 in; ii it i is aTriv v. Vfe-f For Stronger Defenses It It F.G INGHAM AVaehlnctiai C1 JCcports that ItiteMi.t has naval anil air bnxca near the Aleutian Inlands, concresslonal nnuirri said yesterday, are behind Intensified Army efforts to strengthen defences in Ala.ka.

Attacks Also Repulsed r'j ci f-rs and 4. a wry A Hitler's bilthd-iy i tlv with a rtr cf Krunt combats r.r.e watplancs were reported brought down six cf "'em 7 FTritish yai Air Force. c.a. of the sis. an-T e1 ht'hf wa believed The Ksen n.ld lli'V i ri in Vv rn in savage aerial dr.

sh.rsr antiaircraft guns in cer.rral France. Irs or. German Nimlr i at of Mi.Iltn.l aftrr hi" by a plane's hr 1 vrrrfi repeatedly i "he r. nr. 1 ar.l I ItCian i rff cf fr r.iijfd struggles over the front 1jt.

the occupied with Informed said th" mirtcmtii'id that the Army deftnitcly had confirmed that lluaxiM baa inimliurtctl buaea oil the Siberian coast leas than 10) nult- from American-owned islands In the Aleutian chain which extends south westward from Alaska. Tha Army's high command was said to take, the attitude that the bases were designed primarily for Haily tripcrl i pinafore; rlr-ss, (left above) ..6 95 iL. fcnue ajrairwit possible attack by Japan on Siberia, but to feel that Tlir prescription is simple! Frch air, sun Jiinr, copious amounts of luilli! Play, relaxation, taken generously! That's easy. Days-ire riowinp; longer Daylight Saving Marts next Sunday! The rest of the "cure i the nicest of all. Get into clean-cut, practical, gootl-Iooking clothes from Forma ns! That will give you a pick-up to start! Our Sports Shop, our our whole store, sets the tempo today for your Summer.

We're specialists in every phase of outdoor sports, and what to wear for them! So on with Summer. On at with the season that America loves best. Let tha United States could not afford to assume that such establish ments would never used against this country. It was indicated that Gen. George C.

Marshall, chief of staff, would be questioned on this point when he tcfftitics before a Senate committee, probably next week, on the Army's request for X12.73t.000 for Here are members of a Dutch antiaircraft gun crew, pausing in their training for a bite to eat. With martial law proclaimed throughout the Netherlands, such units are in position to resist foreign attempts at "protective" aid. construction of a strategic air base at Anchorage, Alaska. Tha Jioiuta turned down the re the Forma formula be your cue to Summer quest. War repartment officials vy of artiHrry ftre th? rTnj; cf erai infantry attri.

ItrttUh rian- )innt 0- r.u; Air wa fur 1 to ln i "by rn-niy action." i A Krrnch a fortri lon ith.n hn I Tr i'. i a.o rt-- jeef la the a romnvjr.itju; Grmr uarfilanri r. to th iu.iron nrrksnjc tr- f. of tl''r ir 1 to Norm-ay damn and cth'ra fi ci.siniurii-ia from th in, Krtn- "T- mm r. a.rfraft n-yal Air K'rc mrr n- have made known, however, that France Confers with Italy they will ask the Senate to re store at least S6.0n0.000 of the aum to the department supply bill.

For Mediterranean Pact The Army aJ ready is building one an-ta tn Alaaka. near Fair- Sports Shop, Second Floor Br JOHN II. MARTIN Unkii, but General Marshall told a House military appropriations Paris fAP) Paul Kr-yiiaud's p'vcrninoit vrstrlav subcommittee an February that ex jurMiil it rffi.rtJo" to rrarh an with a tlnin far imrrvjrisivr Italy 1 1 French troops poured into Norwegian tended study "shows definitely that the most Important strategic missions could be carried out effec to collaborate, with their Uritish allies in the sn fwrsl bt; on the "it. One cf our f.tht-; widened war acalnat Germany. Mm 1 an1 an fit tively only when baaed In tb area between tha mounUlm and the with tha beat location In the nTTH A KTT A I The Premier tM the Senale Knr -ti 111.

i-rs fr.i In Krrnr "Rare liUllliiil lia. lll-J 1 t'ommlttea In an knee Ty rear Char r.y, lb ci V- sk hnuMve Jnternatlonal survey that i 7 95. cater, each. -f-e if p-ir l-trki III hich PUDAM ADMOFrnc' lk inS trj Med iter 1 bv -nrre fshtera. LiUlLlflXlil XllLlIllJ t-rii'n'e.

naa continue! -a Knee-hiph (below). The ar.d ffi Meer- (friendly echanjee of vlewa with sox vicinity of Anchorage." lie said the Fairbanks base was necessary to provide the air corpa! with training essential for cold-weather operations in the North Also bearing on national defense was a disclosure Chairman Vinson of the Ilousie Naval Committee that the Navy cont'-sn-platea building crullers twice the size of it presortt AY "4 Wl 1 Striped tliam- A' I were ehot dnn. Hurhareat rearrul Jtu- TtaJy and Spain since tha beRlnnlnr 1 of car tm.Ur,U at- ajrainn't the of Involve- of Kurepean war trri a frrr.aticn enemy rr.erit tn tn spreadinx Kurcpesnl "Outal la of Idenlnjlral con A rf tiu en- r. yeterdy extracted from Ger- the French government ltis Gahardina beautifully made, (left) 8.95 ant another be- r-Unea to thta country In exchanj: i 1 heia two counttlea In view of It-, "i tn have ttn or minor commercial advantarea. i Mediterranean Kntente which con- 1 A.

Ore cur a.rrraft i forced KUmanian nesmiators stcne.j atttutea tn Its eyes ona of the In- i "treaty type as soon as the pending fleet expansion bill becomes law and funds are available. Vinson mentioned this Intention at a hearing on proposal for reorganization of the Navy Department. The larger ships, it waa explained, would have greatly Increased cruising range which would make them more tieeful for m. ions In the Far I'aciflo or the South Atlantic. They also would be better suited for duty with the land er.e-r.y action.

The lot trada treaty amendment with Pr. unhurt. A. I the reet of our KrJ Clodius. Cirmn tmda recjo-a r--fT ret irre.J f.

jtiator. Tr Fren rrs o.r-.m niiue aaid on Aldea of King Carol r4ained G.rrr!.n v(rtsn. mas a re- privately te- rr attempting- and another a ff Greater German demand Th rtrw of tha on n.fnr:ivel minor concca- iV -TV dipenaable bases of pence, a com-munijMe wnid. In rtome authoritative Italian ald freed'an from and French nntir. over tne Me.tster-rnin a Italy's chi-f lirmtml of the Alliea.

with whn she fought In the World Vir tut hom ebe has been ho.t;l-!y riltiral aa a ally of Germany In by ttnurit f.r waa ni a ai in iimi lime jfi- weapons to strengthen the a rKl by French, in; projected 4.tsston battleship, de- at my s. thai the rountry u.t'-matrly voukt refuae greater de-n'd from tha tteieh- tried to have greater speed and range than any now In the fleet. Allied Plana1: Lost. S.iv Nazis contracts with ths.the rurtent wr. Jkota mur fi.ins work.

In foisnerl uch an entente Is made all the Body Lands in Hotel; brr'. air ba't! ulnriR Oec hoIovalila. were confirmed 1 mm in Albed eyejt be tne tie nan-Fr r.c lordr th agreement and th NazSsfeatie of the spread of the battle i rI'-N. Jerrnin news arrced to speed up delivery. front far to tb northward, al- sfrcvi anrou-cei Ut that.

AL'i. a gentleman's asireement thoucht Allied off icial speeches and Aide Learns It's Son ft ew New York U'R-John Glasgow. vr enerry p.ine. itn American- p. eden t.ermany to send "0 rm cormnent have contained rH Hr.tith Spitfire.

Mwmrhnntl purautt planes to utronjr hintjt that Jiiltam and Morar.e an I French Potea' I Fiance b. l.rve ihrv hnve ennuch elderly night elevator operator at tha Hotel, heard a body Mi were wn. One (iermao t.ermany ottaineI a piwuiM p.w er to coi-e it Italy xhoul I crash through th glaaa roof of llarc-Kttcc Mnlic-Upl With kncc so much in the open, Forman's An-loine Salon is giin complimentary knee make-ups for the akinp! You'll marel at how smooth your knees can r- made to lookl r'ane was reported 1U fnan Kumanla to fuir.ll wheat con-j extend th battlefields further by lhe cocktail lounge yesterday and tracts concluded tefre the recent casting her lot militarily with Ger wanted to go investigate but at ZL ev.VA I Va taches aaid theie waa no need for Itumanian embargo on wheat exports. The contracts were reported to Involve iS worth of Newsman Appeals his staying around. They thought it would be leas of a hM-k If he learned at home that many.

Krrnch olecrveis who contend that I'remier Mttxsolini is on the verge of vital decisions have cnUe.l e'tentlon to tfie Allied army In the Near Kast under Gen Msstn Weygamt and Allied naval supetloiity. hi 3.1 year-old John, a plumber employed at the hotel, had jumped or falSen. to bia death frcsm a window on the 23rd floor. fr rtt It fTf1 wheal, delivery of which will pincn oniempz nait.Ut,i!K minct) ln ft Chawfooitair. r-r T- a e-e II- a'.

1 faring a severe I') IN fMw faiime. In addition to th-t'- i' I)i'rirt O.utt ve.ter- damage aimed frcwt and iav from a eon it lx" f'P expeits predirte 1 re mn by 1 ol 'u tojury to til wheat ClOp In J- J.e eter Caldwell for l. fai su len at wave. i so'jf es of infnrriiv. t.

atxut Un Cr.a i aa.d th r. le tir. tn tr Court if nec-. v. "The rffeet f.f permitting a newa- 2 Students Hurt In Forced Landing Ca-tle.

4.T Two Hens t-m to reveal r.ew l.a New tli'l. -pv ii- It tn a shoit in flannel 7)5 Jetkin ami ca-lot (hclowl I A GIVE HER THE I I THRILL OF HER r. I Ne to hi le con- eler f.dyter hnle Institute sttt f- i the pen a'lfle newa dents. Ilobert G. Ive.

23. of New and leave for cr- Castle, and Ionald M. Johnson. 21. iifrr.rm-i ant vns only he "tc frc-d landing in a farm-5 of how they divide cr f.eld ear here late Friday, tf the ed.toriai writer de- Neither waa hurt seriously, clared.

i piloting a amall plane home a weekend, said the motor Mil. ItMK IHII.MI.S HOItlll.ll e'arted mi-ing and tried to -t A 'tl Sher- roake tb New Cast! aripoil t-ut I If tiO hsa been robl.ed altitude and was forced down tnre tmies in a week, and tn eaeh.ln th field. ee wet s. i.n Not tbel Iev's nosa was fractured lth g-at c-f firtsnrt tut alo wer under treatment tr who firly in a New Castle hospital N'w- South i for cuta and cmnminni. Striped red jacket, dotted skirt, complete vl eft).

16.95. rv ii 4 Mm SUNDAY, MAY 12 (J "Hate Knrr" Fashtvns Termfee Bi(t BABy'S First SHOES PRESERVED FOREVER IN SOLID BRONZE Can yoa tkisk of sy qift tKst will q-va Mother or grandmother grtr than bsby't 0n liMl thest pro-served la metal with ovary praciout wrinkla jutt at lby wore them? Give Mother both er seep en foe year-to'f at a e.ij'tt holder or psperwslghf. Sho ia b.u.ul SOLID bronia, unmounted (p'r $6). t.sgU $3.50 Sho bronia ea imported enys bat ornament, paperweight er cigaraH $5.95 Shoe been ea handsom I 10 bronia frame $6,95 fair of shoe brents ea smart brent beekands $9.95 Sho on bfom ethtraf Slnrks frt iht Sratnnt Sensation Ge MeWf Glt Sesll Df'y App'scist. Ha eur sipsrt pKelegrs-pa't your picture for Mother's Df.

Long Bermuda Shotlt a Favoriteil A iaares mrg Smmter than evert r. ul ftmiJ mr tfttj (si. I re ffmtft Sey wf sV receire itdrtt iltt lkm Af'il I. Meyers Bros, riding coat, 29.75; Jodhpurs, 12.95- Colors are llilarianily Hi-strungt a- 3 Lovely 8x10 PHOTOS Red Coals Flash their Brilliance Awl It'edfet rV Hither and tfighert osr lusn. Cot os id ft OJa S095 g.

$3 9 INC. E.J. "a i I B. FQRMAN Co. 2S3 EAST MAIf ST.

1 1 ssyi'sVef o5TLr I aQs Qmricmm oJocitif VISIT OVR STUDIO: AO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY ElOIi'S sthuot, CLINTON AYE. SOUTH t- 130 CLINTON AVE. S. MAIN 3760 S'.

Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.